IEMT Advanced Practicioner
Just received word from Andrew T. Austin (founder of The Association for IEMT Practitioners) that I have been approved as an IEMT Advanced Practitioner!
What does that mean for you? That I can now officially work as an IEMT practitioner and help you with your specific complaints to reduce them!

IEMT is not very well known in the Netherlands yet, but more and more therapists are becoming available to provide this form of therapy. If you do not live nearby Amsterdam, you can search for a therapist in your area on the website of The Association for IEMT Practitioners
This is what Andrew himself says about it:
"Both the EMDR and IEMT models use eye movements but in practice that is where the similarity ends. I often tell participants that EMDR and IEMT are exactly the same in the same way that Freud's 'Psychoanalysis' and Bandler's 'NLP' are exactly the same because they both use words. Of course, for the intelligent observer such flippancy is not really required. EMDR is a model used mainly by licenced medical professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists. IEMT can be used by anyone trained in the model.
Where EMDR is primarily used to treat "trauma", something it is very effective at doing. However IEMT is much more about the Patterns of Chronicity. These are 5 primary patterns that appear common to many chronic patients with, or without a history of trauma.'
To summarise the differences:
Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT)
Is a model built around addressing and resolving The 5 Patterns of Chronicity
Has applications in resolving PTSD
Traumatic imagery is largely irrelevant to the process
Addresses imprints of emotion for creating kinaesthetic change
Addresses imprints of identity for creating change in self concept
Uses eye movement as the dominant mechanism for change
By design readily creates introspection and an alpha state with free floating imagery
Developed from an original idea from Steve and Connirae Andreas by Andrew T. Austin
In other words: All unpleasant emotions linked to a memory can be treated. You do not have to have a trauma. But if you do have a trauma, this can be very helpful in changing the images, memories and emotions. So that it is perhaps less intense or perhaps no longer important at all.
You don't have to talk about your memories, you don't have to share them if you don't want to. Of course it is helpful if you can share your emotions, feelings and thoughts. But it makes no difference to the effect, which is of course extremely useful if you would rather not talk about it.

Like EMDR, IEMT uses eye movements to make the change happen from the inside out. Would you like to experience this yourself? Make an appointment and discover for yourself how it can make a difference!
Go to Reserveer Online and make an appointment!
Looking forward to seeing you.