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Writer's pictureMarga Hogenhuis

Waiting lists in health care are enormous, now what?

Huge waiting lists at (GGZ) psychologists, waiting months before you get help, can't that be changed? There are almost 90,000 Dutch people on the waiting list for psychological help. They sometimes have to wait months. Since a number of years it is the intention that general practitioners take over basic care for people with psychological problems. In case of serious problems they refer to a psychiatrist or other specialised care. Most GP practices have employed a practice support worker for this purpose. But here, too, the workload increases and there are more people in need of support than there are hours to accommodate them.

Waiting list for mental health care can be dangerous for the patient

Almost everyone seeking help from the mental health services ends up on a waiting list that lasts for weeks. GGZ Nederland is sounding the alarm. Because of this, children and adults can unnecessarily end up in crisis situations. Source: Algemeen Dagblad

Waiting lists for mental health care are long and they will only get longer'.

Waiting times for psychological help are already long, even for young people who have been sentenced to therapy by the court of law, and that will get worse as from next year, says Larissa Hoogsteder from the Waag. Source: Volkskrant

Psychiatric patient on hold with GP

People with psychological complaints now often end up on a waiting list at the GP's. An annual survey by the National Association of General Practitioners (LHV) shows that 52 per cent of general practices do not have the time to help these patients immediately. Source: NOS

So what seemed like a solution is now no longer the solution. How then? Someone I know was offered an interim solution by his GP and the practice support worker. Therapy with an Integrative Therapist for as long as the waiting time lasts. So that the client receives care and attention and the problems do not get any worse. Often it helps that the client is heard and seen. That there is a place where they can talk freely. Where one can work on what needs attention now.

And there are many therapists in the Netherlands who, in my opinion, can reduce the pressure on the waiting lists. Many of these therapists are (partly) reimbursed by the additional package.

To all practitioners, on behalf of all (Integrative) therapists in the Netherlands, we offer our knowledge and experience to reduce the pressure on the waiting lists!

I plead for Alternative Care in the basic package. There are now so many more proofs that this form of support in the healing process yields results!

Clients can come to me for among other things Trauma treatment, depressive complaints, Stress, Burn-out and Fears.

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